How to Present like a Pro! - Yanko Design

One skill many designers should often piece of work on is presentation. Designers of all levels tin can e'er benefit from a fiddling more jazz in their presentations.

Don't know well-nigh you guys, merely imagining my audience naked never worked for me!  The matter to note virtually presentations is that it is not just nigh standing upwards in front of an audience or spending nights rehearsing, presentations are really all about communication. It is about getting your point across in a clear and concise manner.

Here are a few tips that can help meliorate your technique and hopefully also make yous a much better communicator.


1. Stand up

Depending on the size of the audience or even the size of the room, it is a lot more than impressive if the presenter stands. It denotes expertise, authority and shows your audience that you take the presentation seriously. Even in design critiques with small groups of designers, standing makes a deviation.

Another affair I really like nigh standing is that it allows you to be closer to the screen or focal object. While yous are there, y'all tin take the opportunity to point directly onto the screen to highlight points. Beingness that close to the content makes you a lot more engaging.

That existence said, attempt your best to avoid those light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation pointers. Information technology sometimes comes beyond as common cold and may alienate your audition. If yous need to betoken at a large screen and yous are not tall plenty, walk towards the projector source and make a "shadow boob" with your finger.

2. Middle Contact

Expert eye contact is one of the most important things to in a presentation. It engages the audition by allowing them to experience every bit if you are talking to them and not to your annotation cards or the floor. Information technology too allows you to control the menses of the presentation by judging their reactions or responses.

Though important, this is also one of the hardest things to do and requires a lot of practice. One play a trick on I've learned to assistance the discomfort is to await between someone'south optics or focus on i eye rather than both. The worst example is to wait over the top of the audiences' head and below particularly if at that place are women in the audition!

iii. Know your content

Zero breaks the flow of a presentation similar a presenter that does not know their stuff. Two things happen equally a result. The presenter either hems and haws or drones on and on. Get to know your content well and become the expert.

4. One slide per signal

When creating or amalgam your presentation, endeavour to keep your slides succinct. I will ofttimes become as far as using one slide per discussion point. Oh by the fashion, please "design" your PowerPoint groundwork and type? We are designers after all.

5. Apply stories to engage your audience

Instead of telling jokes to break the water ice, 1 thing I similar to practice is to elaborate key points past telling stories that put the audition correct in the action. It is besides a good way to break the flow of technical segments or if yous sense that you are losing their attention.

6. Style

Here is one chemical element that will go along way in making your presentation memorable. Requite your presentation a nuance of style, your style preferred. I similar a uncomplicated casual mode, like positioning myself closer to the audience, sitting on the table or phase, or not using a microphone. Some presenters don't use slides but only images, some use their hands a lot. I'g sure you can come up with something interesting that you lot would be comfortable with.

seven. Speak slower and clearly

Sometimes we forget that the delivery of the presentation is also just as of import. I have plant that if yous dial down the charge per unit of your speech and focus on clarity, you will make a much meliorate impact. It also helps you to think, equally sometimes people tend to speak faster than they think. Some other thing to note is the audio of your voice.  If your voice is naturally high pitched – try slightly deepening information technology. The best way to find out is to record your voice and listen.

viii. Timing and Pacing

A presentation running on a good rhythm has good timing and pacing. Be fully aware of the time you are taking at unlike intervals of your presentations and spend more than or less time depending on the impact yous desire to create. Mixing information technology all up besides helps manage monotony. Also have annotation of the total presentation time you have and plan your delivery accordingly.

Decide upfront if you want to exist interrupted during the presentation or to leave questions to the end. If you tin can think on your feet and then it does get audition participation upwards. If you are not that confident, exercise announce to the audience that you will only be taking questions at the stop. This brings us to the next point.

ix. Anticipate the questions

It does aid calm the nerves; if you anticipate all the possible questions your audience may ask you lot during your presentation. It is likewise cracking for credibility.

10. Exercise

Finally exercise, practice and practise! Take the attempt to rehearse either privately, in front end of a mirror or with your team. If you don't have the time, I find it useful to run the entire presentation in your head and visualize your lines. At the end of the solar day though nothing beats real practice.


Brian is a multidisciplinary industrial design leader that goes under the pseudonym of "The Design Translator". He muses about the art of pattern leadership and the business organisation of strategic industrial design over at his website Design Sojourn . He often laments the lack of skillful soy mochas and Italian pizzas (with Rocket and shredded Parma ham) in Asia.


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